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Success!  You’re registered for the free webinar, Practical mindfulness for psychotherapists:  How mindfulness can help you experience more ease during your workday.

Date: Friday, October 27, 2023

Time: 1 pm EST

I’m glad you’ve chosen to join us for this free, 45-minute mindfulness webinar for therapists.  Also, I’m glad you’ve chosen to take this time to take care of yourself in this way.

Here’s what you need to know to join the webinar.

We are using Zoom.  Here’s the link: (no password needed)

Or, dial in by your location.  To find your local number:
Meeting ID: 897 2407 4100
Passcode: Thrive

When you join, you will be placed in a waiting room and welcomed in when the webinar starts at 1 pm EST.

Please choose a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted.  This will support your practice and that of others as well.

Please keep your microphone on mute and camera on.  This supports the overall experience of everyone.  However, if you need to turn the camera off at any time for a little while as needed, that is fine.

This webinar will not be recorded.  By attending, you also agree not to record the webinar in any way.

I look forward to meeting you and practicing together!
